

$38.00 for 2 fl. oz.
$21.00 for 1 fl. oz.

Breathe Easier With
Dr. Dent’s Lung Drops!

Due to overwhelming popular demand, we have reintroduced this unique respiratory aid. Formulated by physicians and based on knowledge spanning centuries, Dr. Dent’s Lung Drops provide a convenient and effective answer to many respiratory problems. Building lung health and providing comfortable breathing promotes detoxification and normalization of respiratory organs, particularly the lower respiratory system.

Homeopathic Mother Tincture of Sticta pulmonarae (Lungwort) works with symptoms such as coryza, bronchial catarrh, stiffness of neck, dull heavy pressure in forehead, dry hacking cough, cough worse when tired.

Homeopathic Mother Tincture of Sanguinaria Canadensis (Bloodroot) works with symptoms such as hoarseness, hacking coughs which are better when sitting up rather than lying down. Residual congestion after pneumonia or bronchitis.

Homeopathic Tincture of Quebracho works with symptoms of weak breathing, increases oxygenation of the blood and removal of carbon dioxide. Quebracho was called “The Digitalis of the Lungs” by the great homeopathic physician Hale.

Homeopathic Mother Tincture of the Mediterranean Sea Sponge works with wheezing, bronchial catarrh, dry chronic cough, sensations of oppression in the chest, fever, and dry air passages.

When combined these homeopathic remedies provide relief from many common respiratory complaints.

The above information has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*The above information has not been evaluated by the FDA.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is not intended to offer medical advice or to act in any way as a substitute for consultation and advice from a healthcare professional.